Methods of Acupuncture Reflex Diagnostics
The Methods of Hardware Acupuncture Reflex diagnostics. Most of the hardware acupuncture methods are the methods of electropuncture diagnostics, i.e. they are the active projective diagnostics methods. It means that in order to obtain data about the state of a meridian and, consequently, of an organ or a system controlled by it, it is necessary to make a provoking treatment by the electric current onto a certain point of body’s skin which by reflex corresponds to the system that is being diagnosed
The body’s organs and systems functional state is diagnosed by the indirect electroconductivity data of skin zones, that correspond to meridians’ acupuncture points. This is carried out by means of experiment research regularity analysis obtained as in Eastern medicine schools as well as in clinic and laboratory research in the time of electropuncture methods introduction into western medicine practice.
Nowadays in electropuncture diagnostics there are several relatively independent methods that differ by points examined, working parameters of the measuring devices and the analysis system of data obtained.
01 Method of Dr. Nakatani

The way of body’s state assessment according to Nakatani method in general is the following: on each Riodoraku the measurement of electric conductivity at a certain point is taken. The value of this point shows the average value of the whole meridian’s conductivity when being treated by electric current of negative polarity. Nakatani’s progressive method has, in our opinion, one defect that the parameters of provoking impact on the point being assessed are too high (I=200mkA; U=10V). Thus, the power of impact on the point in order to determine its response to the provoking impact is 2 mWatt
02 Method of Dr. Voll’s
Doctor Voll’s method is known as clinically highly reliable screening diagnostics. Electric impact of positive polarity on the point being assessed is I=20mkA; U=2V, i.e. its power is 0.04 mWatt. Consequently, in comparison to Nakatani’s method, the power of provoking impact is 50 times lower. The meridian system load is lower too, because any provoking treatment will have a response in the body systems’ functioning and thus, it will create interference into the diagnostics results. The disadvantage, in our opinion, is the duration of the diagnostics procedure. In order to obtain the detailed picture of all organs’ functional state using Voll’s method, from one to two hours are needed.
03 Method of Dr. P. Nojier
Auriculodiagnostics. Dr. P. Nojier, French scientist, is considered to be the founder of auriculodiagnostics. He created a theory that would later become fundamental for the most of the auriculopuncture systems. The theory ran that human body is projected to the auricle in the form of embryo, its head corresponds to the lobule, the internal corresponds to the auricle, extremities – to the upper part of the ear, above the arch of antihelix
The time when Nojier has been working at this idea was the time when the first electropuncture devices appeared. Using one of such devices he discovered that healthy body’s auricle usually does not have points with low resistance corresponding to BAPs
However, when there is a disease, the points with high conductivity appear and they coincide with the earlier discovered points of higher pain sensitivity, these points correspond to a certain organ or system of human body. Consequently, auriculodiagnostics is the projective diagnostics method using microsystem corresponding to projection of human body to its auricle
The disadvantage of this method, in our opinion, is high density of biologically active points corresponding to certain organs and systems in the auricle. It requires a great experience in practical use of this method
We would also like to describe shortly the method and device of Ivan A. Lednev, Russian scientist. In 1973, he offered to use bipolar method for biopoints diagnostics and for treatment of organs and systems corresponding to these points, in case their index deviates from norm. What is the normal index in Lednev’s method? If the conductivity of the points measured when impacted by provoking electric current of positive polarity was equal to the conductivity when impacted by provoking electric current of negative polarity, then this point and organ or system corresponding to it is in normal functional state. He called this electric conductivity “absence of asymmetry”. He created “I.A. Lednev’s atlas” used for treatment of more than 200 diseases. The device’s electric characteristics are similar to Nakatani’s method (I=200mkA; U=8V)
04 Method of Ivan A. Lednev
We would also like to describe shortly the method and device of Ivan A. Lednev, Russian scientist. In 1973, he offered to use bipolar method for biopoints diagnostics and for treatment of organs and systems corresponding to these points, in case their index deviates from norm. What is the normal index in Lednev’s method?
If the conductivity of the points measured when impacted by provoking electric current of positive polarity was equal to the conductivity when impacted by provoking electric current of negative polarity, then this point and organ or system corresponding to it is in normal functional state. He called this electric conductivity “absence of asymmetry”. He created “I.A. Lednev’s atlas” used for treatment of more than 200 diseases. The device’s electric characteristics are similar to Nakatani’s method (I=200mkA; U=8V)