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Natural Medicine
Probiotics 2.0: Synthetic biology jumps into the human gut
Kostas VavitsasSeptember 11, 2019
The human body does not exist in a vacuum. On the contrary, we are in close proximity and constantly interact with numerous microbes – according to a recent study there are as many microbial!-->!-->!-->…
12 Powerful Ayurvedic Herbs and Spices with Health Benefits
Ayurveda employs a holistic approach to health that also includes physical activity, adequate sleep, stress management, a
Brown rice benefits
Brown rice benefits: Here's why you should choose brown rice over white rice
Surprising health benefits of flaxseeds and the best way to have them
Flaxseeds are being used since ages for the numerous health benefits they provide. Recent researchers call tiny shiny seeds as ‘superfood’ due to the goodness they provide us with. If not chewed properly, flaxseeds will not!-->…
Metabolomics Lab’s Analysis Finds Near-Meat and Meat Not Nutritionally Equivalent
Neither is good or bad, they are just not the same, authors say
Epigenetic Aging: Can It Be Slowed With Diet?
Having a faster rate of epigenetic aging, as measured by the epigenetic age metric, AgeAccelGrim, is associated with a significantly increased risk of death for all causes in a variety of cohorts, including the Framingham Heart Study!-->…
Have you ever wondered why a certain diet works well for some and not as well for others?
Do you ever wonder why someone is naturally slim, while others aren’t?
Would you like to prevent disease before symptoms ever appear?
Do you!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…
No brain health supplements over-the-counter products
A recent survey found that about 25% of adults over age 50 take a supplement to improve their brain health with the promise of enhanced memory and sharper attention and focus.
The problem? There's no solid proof any of them work.
New York hospitals treating coronavirus patients with vitamin C
Seriously sick coronavirus patients in New York state’s largest hospital system are being given massive doses of vitamin C — based on promising reports that it’s helped people in hard-hit China, The Post has learned.
Dr. Andrew G.!-->!-->!-->…
12 Proven Health Benefits of Ashwagandha
Ashwagandha is an ancient medicinal herb.
It's classified as an adaptogen, meaning that it can help your body manage stress.
It can boost brain function, lower blood sugar and cortisol levels, and help fight symptoms of anxiety and!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…
The longest-living people have things in common
The longest-living people all had nine key lifestyle habits in common : live move naturally, have purpose, manage stress, less eat, eat plant-based, less alcogol, collaborate with others, love someone, entertain with others.
Reiki healing: how does it work and what are the benefits?
Reiki healing – also known as energy healing – has long been used by practitioners to aid well-being and re-balance the mind, body and soul.
Healing power of honey
Layering minute amounts of Manuka honey between layers of surgical mesh acts as a natural antibiotic that could prevent infection following an operation, new research has shown.
Meshes are used to help promote soft tissue healing inside!-->!-->!-->…
Increase fiber content to lower heart disease and diabetes
Increasing the fiber content of everyday UK foods including baked goods, dairy products, soups, smoothies, and dressings, will enable 50% more adults to get the recommended daily amount of fiber in their diets and lower the risk of heart…
Bacteria in the gut may alter aging process
Summary: Transplanting gut microbiota from older mice to younger germ-free mice increased hippocampal neurogenesis and intestinal growth.
Source: Nanyang Technological University
An international research team led by!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…
Diet, body clock, hormones, and metabolism
Using mice, scientists have revealed for the first time how stress hormones control fat and sugar levels over a 24-hour cycle. In addition, they have shown that a high calorie diet can alter the time-sensitivity of metabolic cycles.
5 Ayurvedic Herbal Drinks5 Ayurvedic Herbal Drinks
Herbs and spices have been used for centuries to treat different health issues. Soaking these herbs in water increases their healing power.
Is Your DNA Your Destiny? A Primer on Epigenetics
NATURE VS. NURTURE. It's among the oldest of philosophical and scientific debates. Is your inherited genetic makeup your destiny? Or are you the product of your environment?
As a geneticist, I!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…
Psychedelic drug Ayahuasca creates a ‘waking-dream’ state which translates brainwaves…
A South American super-drug really does blow your mind - and could provide clues about the nature of consciousness - new research reveals.
Scientists found that Ayahuasca - a 'psychedelic brew' made from vines and leaves in the!-->!-->!-->…
The 6 Best Bedtime Teas That Help You Sleep
For centuries, they have been used around the world as natural sleep remedies.
Modern research also backs herbal teas’ ability to aid sleep.
1. Chamomile
For years, chamomile tea has been used as a natural remedy to!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->!-->…