Water Memory
Water is the key element of life, but this element that we thought we knew well may have unexpected properties and might play a role greater than we could imagine in our tree of life. That is the belief shared by the advocates of a surprising theory called “water memory”.
For Prof. Luc Montagnier, water has the hability to reproduce the properties of any substance it once contained. Water would have the hability to retain a memory of the molecules properties. What if alzheimer, parkinson, autism, HIV and even cancer could be treated thanks to this controversial theory?
What is Water Memory? It is theorized that water has the ability to hold some sort of imprint or “memory” of substances that have been exposed or dissolved in it. Some researchers believe that this “memory” even holds true after high dilution even to the point of no molecule remains in the water itself.
Water Memory Research
Since 1988, there have been notable studies done with Water Memory both showing its potential and others not being able to replicate results.
1988 – Jacques Benveniste
Researcher Jacques Benveniste first coined the phrase “Water Memory” in his 1988 research article published in Nature. And while his published research may have been considered fringe at the time, Benveniste was quite a member of mainstream research.
“Back in 1988, however, Benveniste was very much part of the establishment. He was the senior director of the French medical research organization INSERM’s Unit 200, in Clamart, which studied the immunology of allergy and inflammation.”
In his 1988 research paper, Davenas, E., Beauvais, F., Amara, J. et al. , “Human basophil degranulation triggered by very dilute antiserum against IgE” Nature 333, 816–818 (1988), Benveniste was not looking for Water Memory but instead was researching homeopathy.
“He reported that white blood cells called basophils, which control the body’s reaction to allergens, can be activated to produce an immune response by solutions of antibodies that have been diluted so far that they contain none of these biomolecules at all…
It was as though the water molecules somehow retained a memory of the antibodies that they had previously been in contact with, so that a biological effect remained when the antibodies were no longer present. This, it seemed, validated the claims made for highly diluted homeopathic medicines.”
It is said that he wasn’t really concerned with the Water Memory aspect of his findings and how could be reproduced. Benveniste was more interested in the implications for homeopathy, not water research. As stated in his paper, “Water could act as a ‘template’ for the [antibody] molecule, for example by an infinite hydrogen-bonded network, or electric and magnetic fields.”
Due to the incredible nature of this published paper, the editor of Nature, John Maddox, prefaced it with an editorial comment entitled ‘When to believe the unbelievable’, which admitted: “There is no objective explanation of these observations.”
There were some in the research community that thought it was a little too fantastic to be true. And subsequent studies were unable to replicate the same results. Editor John Maddox even oversaw tests that tried to replicate the results but was unable to do so.
Maddox stated, “My own conviction is that it remains to be shown there is a phenomenon to be explained.” (see “Waves caused by extreme dilution“)
Even with these subsequent studies not being able to duplicate the original findings, the original paper was never retracted by Nature.
2001 – Bernd Kröplin
In 2001, Bernd Kröplin from the Institute for Static and Dynamics for Aerospace Constructions of the University of Stuttgart, published his findings concerning Water Memory research in his book “World in a Drop”.
Much like the research of Davenas, E., Beauvais, F., Amara, J. et al. in 1988, Kröplin was not looking for Water Memory, per se, but according to him, he was looking for something else.
“It all began with the idea to develop a simple “space medicine” for astronauts on board a space shuttle. Allowing the astronauts to cure minor health defects by themselves based on bio-energetic treatment procedures. The accidental discovery however was that even the weakest magnetic field alterations, not detectable by conventional measuring devices, reflected upon the water structure. These effects could be seen under a microscope and were respectively documented.”
The results of Kröplin’s research observing water drops with a darkfield microscope is amazing.
“A scientific experiment was carried out whereby a group of students were all encouraged to obtain one drop of water from the same body of water, all at the same time. Through close examination of the individual droplets, it was seen that each produced different images.
A second experiment was then carried out where a real flower was placed into a body of water, and after a while a sample droplet of the water was taken out for examination. The resulted produced a mesmerizing pattern when hugely magnified, but all of the droplets of this water looked very similar.
When the same experiment was done with a different species of flower, the magnified droplet looked completely different, thereby determining that a particular flower is evident in each droplet of water.
Through this discovery which shows that water has a memory, according to scientists, a new perception of water can be formed. [Kroplin et al] believe that as water travels it picks up and stores information from all of the places that it has traveled through, which can thereby connect people to a lot of different places and sources of information when they drink this water, depending on the journey that it has been on.” (via Resonance Science Foundation)
You can see a more detailed explanation of Kroplin’s research in the videos below.
2009 – Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier
Nobel Laureate Luc Montagnier, virologist who led the team that discovered the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), published a paper in 2009, Electromagnetic signals are produced by aqueous nanostructures derived from bacterial DNA sequences. In this paper he claimed that he could detect radio waves emitted by the DNA of pathogenic bacteria and viruses massively diluted in water. The device that was used to detect these radio waves was developed by none other than Jacques Benveniste.
Again, much like his predecessor Benveniste, his critics remain skeptical often ridiculing his homeopathy research in public. But that does not stop Montagnier from doing more research or keep him from chairing the World Foundation for AIDS Research and Prevention.
You can see more of Montagnier’s water research in his 2014 documentary Water Memory available online.
Treating Diseases
Montagnier does not let the input of his critics get him down. In fact, he is quite hopeful that his research with Water Memory will help to develop techniques that will treat diseases.
When discussing his research findings Montagnier said “In the future, we may use these findings not just for diagnostics but also for treatment…It’s possible that electromagnetic waves at some frequency will kill the waves produced by bacterial DNA.”