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The Health Benefits of the Aromatic Cardamom


Most people are familiar with cardamom through chai, as it’s an essential ingredient of the flavorful Indian specialty. Apart from being a popular spice all across India, the Middle East and all the way to China, cardamom is a key ingredient in traditional medicines all across these lands. In fact, cardamom has been used to detox, treat digestion issues and a sore throat for thousands of years, but modern science further expanded its healing potential to things like antimicrobial and cancer-preventing properties, and more. In this article, we list 7 proven health benefits of cardamom and explain how you can use this herb at home.

What Is Cardamom?

Cardamom Health Benefits a bowl full of cardamom

Cardamom, the spice, comes from several plant species from the genera Elettaria and Amomum, and these plants are closely related to ginger. Both the pods and the seeds of the spice have a pleasant, sweet and spicy aroma, and the pods are typically harvested whole and dried.

Dried cardamom pods are sold whole, ground up into a powder, or as an herbal supplement in capsule form. Fresh cardamom can also be turned into an essential oil, which is often used in fragrances, topically or as aromatherapy. The plant originated from India, but it’s widely used and easily available all across the globe today.

1. Diabetes Prevention

Cardamom Health Benefits metabolic syndrome

Animal studies in those suffering from type 2 diabetes showed that supplementing with cardamon improved blood sugar levels and metabolic symptoms. Another study showed that the waist circumference in overweight women with metabolic syndrome decreased after 2 months.All this evidence suggests that cardamon may lower the level of inflammation in the body and protect you from metabolic syndrome, diabetes and even heart diseas

2. Cancer Prevention

Cardamom contains specific phytochemicals that were suggested to help the immune system to fight off cancer cells. More specifically, cardamom may boost cancer-fighting enzymes and certain immune cells that eradicate cancer cells.

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Though scientists aren’t sure which compounds in cardamom are responsible for the cancer-fighting effects, they believe it may be some of the antioxidants the spice contains. Cardamom has been found to reduce the risk and severity of cancerous tumors in animal models and test-tube studies.

3. Oral and Dental Health

For centuries, if not millennia, people have been using cardamom to soothe a sore throat, get rid of bad breath and prevent cavities. One study also found that chewing on a cardamom seed for 5 minutes helped balance the pH in the mouth, with the latter being a marked cause of infections and cavities.

4. Antimicrobial Properties

Studies suggest that cardamom essential oil may possess powerful antifungal and antibacterial compounds that act by damaging the microbes’ cell membranes. Reportedly, the oil is effective against a wide range of microbes, such as the Candida fungus, E. coliStaphylococcus and Campylobacter, which are known to cause a wide range of dangerous diseases throughout the body.Do note, however, that ingesting the oil is toxic and even when used topically, the essential oil should be diluted by a carrier oil.

5. Digestive Issues

One of the most ancient Ayurvedic uses of cardamom is for detoxification and digestion issues. Science, too, seems to support the claims that cardamom can improve the body’s detoxing abilities by boosting liver health in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Cardamon can also help prevent liver damage, and this way, it may help maintain the body’s blood-cleaning capabilities.Apart from that, cardamom can also help prevent nausea and vomiting, as well as the development of peptic ulcers in some individuals. To prevent ulcers, cardamom is added into beverages, and to deal with nausea, people typically smell cardamom essential oil.

6. Lung Health

One of the most unique capabilities of cardamom is its ability to relax the airways and increase your breathing capacity. Inhaling cardamom essential oil may be especially beneficial for those of you suffering from asthma or even stress-related breathlessness, as the invigorating smell of the oil when used in aromatherapy will help your lungs relax and help them breathe in more deeply.

6. Heart Health

As we mentioned previously, cardamom can reduce one’s risk of heart disease by preventing and contributing to the treatment of metabolic syndrome. However, the rich antioxidant content of cardamom, as well as its possible diuretic and cholesterol-lowering capabilities may help people with high blood pressure lower it slightly.

Studies have found this to be the case, but medical professionals don’t recommend relying on cardamom completely to treat your blood pressure, but you may still benefit from adding the spice into your drinks and meals. 


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