Breaking News about Healing

Sound therapy helps reduce stress


Inside the Syinthesis Sound Healing Center, it is hard to feel an ounce of stress.

“It’s just incredible,” Krysti Lee said. “It’s an incredible gift.”

Lee has been suffering from chronic pain for the last ten years. She has tried everything to alleviate it, but nothing has worked quite like this.

“It’s a type of suffering I had never known before and I do not wish on anyone else,” she said.

Twice a month, that pain melts away with the help of sound healing as she lies on a vibration table.

“It’s indescribable to have those vibrations go through my bones, my cells, my brain, everything to be in tune and in harmony in my body that is so used to being disregulated and jumbled inside,” Lee said.

Lee is part of a small community that has experienced the benefits of sound healing. Various instruments fill the small Glendale studio, as Lee Ann Dzelzkalns guides people on a sound journey.

“It’s not just decreasing blood pressure and learning how to relax more, it is deeply emotionally healing,” Dzelkalns said.

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Dzelkalns opened the center in 2007. Her business has grown through the years and exploded during the pandemic. There is now a waitlist of clients.

“I’m just so grateful because it’s working and I’m helping people and I’m here to be of service,” Dzelkalns said.

Dzelkalns takes people on hour-long sound journeys as they sit in anti-gravity chairs. For some clients like Claire Stillman, there is a strong visual experience.

“It’s the harmonics and certain rhythms and relaxation that just seems to break up stuck places in your body, in your emotions,” Stillman said.

Kristin Gillan said what she learned at the center helped her outside of the studio.  She’s been a client for more than a decade.

“I personally think that sound is going to be the medicine of the future,” Gillan said.

The experience might not be for everyone, but Dzelkalns says she’s helped hundreds in the area and is ready to help more heal their mind, body, and spirit.

“I’m just filled with gratitude that this is helping people,” Dzelkalns said.

Source Fox6 News

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